Webasto Thermo Top Start 5 kW + MultiControl
Preheater Webasto Thermo Top Start 5 kW + timer Multicontrol
Has a significantly smaller dimensions than the previous model, which allows you to install the heater in modern cars with extremely tight linkage of under-bonnet space. Engineers were able to reduce not only the overall dimensions, but also reduce fuel consumption by 30% compared with a series of Thermo Top C. Low cost, high teploproizvodimost, minimum dimensions and light weight made Top Evo 5 flagship among heaters for cars. Designed for cars with engine capacity of 2 to 4 liters.
Supplied with the heater:
1-Heater to replace the Thermo Top Start 5 12V petrol 5 kW
2-circulation pump U 4847 econ 12V (OE 18 mm)
3-Pump-dispenser DP 42 12V (petrol and diesel) with mounting hardware
4-set fittings for connecting the heater 2 x 900 OE18mm, two spring collar OE25mm 2pcs-90 deg. h18mm
5-Pack with connecting fittings. Composition: corner fitting 900 x-2 PCs samozazhimnoj OE25mm yoke-6 PCs
6-Pack with connecting fittings. Composition: corner fitting 900-OE18h18mm-1 PC socket direct OE18h18 mm-1 PC clamp 25 mm OE samozazhimnoj-6 PCs
7-liquid Hose L = m OEvnutr = 18 mm, OEvnesh = 18 mm
8-nozzles for liquid pressure plate, two rubber seals, mounting screws
9-Pack with circulation pump U4847 econ, M6 cage nut M6 bolt bushing
10-Pack with exhaust clamps and mounting hardware
11-package with mounting hardware
12-exhaust Pipe D = 22, d = 25.5, L = 1000 mm
13-package with remote, metallized heat rings (red) 2 PCs.
14-air intake Tube OEvnutr 21.4 mm, L = 400 mm.
15-Pack cable ties. 40 PCs
16-standard Bracket
17-pack connectors fuel nozzles
18-main wiring Tow (sealed)
19-cartridge fuse and relays (inside)
20-Tow circulation pump
21-Package with elements for power connection fan motor the oven compartment
22-package with fuel intake
23-the fuel tube, black 1, 5x5mm, L = 5 m.
24-Pack with documentation
Structure of the Webasto Thermo Top Start 5 heater.
Webasto Thermo Top Start 5 consists of next components:
- The air supercharger with the control unit. Dismantling of the supercharger isn't admissible!
- Torch
- Heat exchanger
- Pin flame heat / sensor
- Temperature sensor and sensor of overheating
- Circulation pulser
- Pump batcher.
Principle of action of Webasto Thermo Top Start 5.
Start of the heater happens through a signal on inclusion from governing body. Thermo Top Evo can be started only by means of the governing body possessing the tire WBus or by means of PC diagnostics of Thermo Test. At start of the heater the supercharger, the circulation pulser and a pin of heat begin to function. Then the pump batcher turns on. The petrol heater is started with the maximum load. The diesel heater is started with the minimum loading and slowly accelerating, passes to the maximum load. During a start phase the pin of heat controls formation of a flame. After an exit to the mode of the maximum load the pin of heat performs the controlling function of the sensor of a flame. The heater from achievement of a certain temperature (about 55 °C) passes into the energy saving mode of partial loading. If temperature increases and further, then the heater from a certain temperature (about 84 °C) is switched off in the mode of an adjusting pause. Process of burning stops when receiving a signal on switching off, at achievement of extreme temperature of burning, at achievement of the set operating time or at emergence of a mistake.
Re-activation is possible only when the coolant temperature drops to 55°C
Manufacturer | Webasto |
Country of origin | Germany |
Weight | 8 kg |
Categories: Prestarting heaters Webasto
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